Βιβλία: - Ioannidis, S. & Psillos, S. (2022) Mechanisms in Science: Method or Metaphysics?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ioannidis, S., Vishne, G., Hemmo, M. & Shenker, O. (2022) Levels of Reality in Science and Philosophy: Re-examining the multi-level structure of reality (Jerusalem Studies in Philosophy and History of Science), Cham: Springer.
Άρθρα: - Ioannidis, S., Psillos, S. & Pechlivanidi, E. (forthcoming) ‘Relations in the Metaphysics of Science’, Metaphysica.
- Ioannidis, S. & Psillos, S. (2022) ‘Levels and Mechanisms: Reconsidering Multi-level Mechanistic Explanation’, in Ioannidis, S., Vishne, G., Hemmo, M. & Shenker, O. (eds) Levels of Reality in Science and Philosophy: Re-examining the multi-level structure of reality, Cham: Springer.
- Ioannidis, S., Livanios, V. & Psillos, S. (2021) ‘Governing Laws and the Inference Problem’, Grazer Philosophische Studien 98: 395-411.
- Ioannidis, S., Livanios, V. & Psillos, S. (2021) ‘No Laws and (Thin) Powers In, No (Governing) Laws Out’, European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11: 1-26. (with V. Livanios & S. Psillos)
- Ioannidis, S., Livanios, V. & Psillos, S. (2021) ‘Causal Necessitation and Dispositional Modality’, Philosophia 49: 289-298. (with V. Livanios & S. Psillos)
- Psillos, S. & Ioannidis, S. (2019) ‘Mechanistic Causation: Difference-Making is Enough’, Teorema Vol. XXXVIII/3: 53 -75.(with S. Psillos)
- Psillos, S. & Ioannidis, S. (2019) ‘Mechanisms, Then and Now: From Metaphysics to Practice’, in Falkenburg, B. & Schiemann, G. (eds) Mechanistic Explanations in Physics and Beyond, European Studies in Philosophy of Science 11, Springer, 11-31. (with S. Psillos)
- Ioannidis, S. & Psillos, S. (2018) ‘Mechanisms in Practice: A Methodological Approach’, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 24: 1177-1183. (with S. Psillos)
- Ioannidis, S. & Psillos, S. (2017) ‘Mechanisms, Counterfactuals and Laws’ in Glennan, S. & Illari, P. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy, New York: Routledge, 144-156. (with S. Psillos)
- Ioannidis, S. & Psillos, S. (2017) ‘In Defense of Methodological Mechanism: the Case of Apoptosis’, Axiomathes 27 (Epistemologia 2017 Special Issue): 601-619. (with S. Psillos)
- Ioannidis, S. (2015) ‘Functions and Functional Explanation Revisited’, Metascience 24: 253-258.
- Ioannidis, S. (2013) ‘Regulatory Evolution and Theoretical Arguments in Evolutionary Thought’, Science and Education (Special issue: philosophical considerations in the teaching of biology) 22: 279-292.
- Ioannidis, S. (2008) ‘How Development Changes Evolution: Conceptual and Historical Issues in Evolutionary Developmental Biology’, Biology and Philosophy 23: 567-578.
- Αντιπρόεδρος και ιδρυτικό μέλος του POND: Δίκτυο για τη Φιλοσοφία της Επιστήμης γύρω από τη Μεσόγειο (POND: Network of Philosophy of Science around the Mediterranean), <https://pondposmed.wordpress.com>
- Επικεφαλής της συντακτικής επιτροπής του αγγλόφωνου ηλεκτρονικού επιστημονικού περιοδικού ανοιχτής πρόσβασης φιλοσοφίας της επιστήμης, αnalytica <www.analytica.phs.uoa.gr>
- Kριτής εργασιών για διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, μεταξύ άλλων: The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Theoria, Inquiry, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Science, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Kriterion
- Επιβλέπων 20 πτυχιακών εργασιών και μέλος της τριμελούς συμβουλευτικής επιτροπής 4 διπλωματικών εργασιών (στο τμήμα ΙΦΕ)
- Συνεργαζόμενος ερευνητής στο ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα ‘Laws & Powers in the Metaphysics of Science’ (NoMoS) που χρηματοδοτείται από το ΕΛΙΔΕΚ (2022-25, ΕΥ: Σ. Ψύλλος)
- Eπικεφαλής της Οργανωτικής Επιτροπής του 7ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φιλοσοφίας της Επιστήμης και μέλος της ΟΕ στο 4ο, 5ο και 6ο ΠΣΦΕ